Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Art of Kissing...

This was forwarded to me and I want to share this to you who feel some kind of loving. I find this cute and flaming.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone

I'll be out of town for two weeks, so I want to greet all of u a HAPPY HAPPY HEART'S DAY!

Love is what makes the world go round. So ... go, spread some loving! =)

God is good! And God is Love!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Mother's Love For A Son

I'm sharing a letter written by a mom to his beloved departed son. It's touching....

March 21, 2002

Dear Brandon:

My sweet, sweet boy, I love and miss you more than words can ever express. You made my life complete, and my every desire in life was to love and nurture you. Now that you are not here on earth, I feel so lost and empty inside. There is a part of me that will never be the same until I am with you again in heaven someday, and oh how I look forward to that wonderful reunion with you. I long for the day until I am with you again.

For now, I am left here without you to finish what you could not complete here on earth. I ask God everyday to show me what my purpose is here on earth. As a human, I wonder why your precious life had to be cut so short, and I realize that I will not have the answer to that question until I see God and you up in heaven, or I probably will not need it answered when I see how perfect it is in heaven. I vow to live my life the best I possibly can and do everything in my power to lead the life God wants me to lead so there are no doubts that I will see you again.

I miss your beautiful smiles, warm hugs, and sweet kisses. I miss hearing you say "Mommy, can you please bring me more chips and juice" while you were laying in your bed with all of your pillows and Beanie Babies watching a movie, and then when I'd bring them to you you'd put your hands behind your head and say "This is the life!" I remember Daddy said to me "You have to stop doing that with him and have him come in the kitchen and get his food/drink himself," so, we had to sneak it so Daddy wouldn't see me doing it for you. I miss picking you up from school everyday seeing your smiling face and dancing body coming to the car and saying "Hello Mom, did you have a good day, and can we go to Grandma's house?" all in the same sentence.

I miss our trips to the grocery store every Saturday when you'd look forward to getting your cookie from the bakery and then you made sure we said hello to our favorite friends every time we were there: The dairy man (George) and the balloon lady (Nancy). I miss our Sunday family days: Going to church, going through the drive-thru for lunch, and then going to Fun Station to play games and ride the bumper boats and of course cashing in all of the tickets we won for toys and candy. I miss playing games and cards (War) with you and you calling the aces A+. I miss watching movies with you. I miss going to the video store with you when you'd pick out 2 movies and 2 Play Station games even though I said you'd only get one of each. I miss traveling with you and you asking 200 times during our trip "How many more Cat&Dog shows until we get there?"

I miss your inquisitive little mind asking all of the wonderful questions you would ask everyday (that's why you were so smart - you asked about everything). I miss driving in the car with you everyday. I miss your big, beautiful brown eyes. I miss your love of life. I miss your silly dances and funny faces. I miss you catching and saving the lizards that got in the house; I'll never forget the day that I tried to help you catch one and I accidentally stepped on it and it died and you cried for almost an hour - you had so much compassion for everyone and everything. I miss you reminding Dad and I everyday that we said when we move into the new house, you can get a black Lab dog and he can sleep in your room on a bean bag chair, and then you'd say, "I won't say it again, but I was just reminding you."

I miss the excitement in your voice when we would go visit family or friends out of town or when they'd come and visit us. I miss you asking if we can go to Grandma and Pop-Pop's house and if you could go swimming in their pool (even if it was only 40°). I miss taking you to Wal-Mart (usually once a week) to get a new toy (typically the latest Power Ranger figure). I miss you asking if you can take out the trash and vacuum so you can get allowance so you can buy another toy. I miss you picking out one of your toys to give to the poor children. I miss you telling me that Brittany is your girlfriend and you think you love her. I miss you singing songs - God Bless the USA was one of your favorites, and you knew every word of it; you'd put your headphones on and sing it at the top of your lungs.

I miss you asking questions about what heaven is like and what God looks like (now you have the answers to those questions firsthand). I miss tucking you in at night and doing our ritual without missing or getting any steps out of order: Brush teethe, say prayers, tickle your ears, blow on your belly, give lots of hugs and kisses and you not letting go of my neck, then we'd both say several times "Good night, I love you, and see you in the morning." I miss waking you up in the morning: I'd bring you your breakfast in bed, turn on your TV, and say "Wake up sleepyhead" - your bright, beautiful eyes would barely open, but you'd smile every morning, and say "I love you Mom." I miss watching you ride your bicycle. I miss you talking about the NASCAR racer, Jeff Gordon and calling him Michael Jordan, Jeff Jordan, or anything but his name (you got that quality from Poppy Bob). I miss seeing you play with your toys. I miss reading books together.

I missed you on your birthday - we will always celebrate your wonderful life on your birthday forever - February 8th,1995 was the most special day of my entire life when you entered this world through me, and February 1, 2002 was the worst day of my life when you left this earth without me. I miss watching your presence make others smile and feel good. I am going to miss you on my birthday (you always made sure I had a birthday cake). I'll miss you on Mother's Day because being your Mom was the most wonderful gift I've ever received. I miss every single thing about you so much, and I long to hold you in my arms everyday. I cherish every second I had with you. The pain I feel of missing you is indescribable.

Somehow I will manage to go on living, but my life certainly will not ever, ever be the same without my little angel by my side. You were my angel here on earth, and now you are my angel up in heaven. I know that you never, ever wanted me to be sad, so I will try my best to be happy for you. I know you are watching over all of us you loved, and I know I will see you again someday. I have to remind myself that you are in a much happier place than any of us here on earth can ever imagine, and if given the choice you would not want to come back here. So, I know I'm selfish when I want you back here, but you were my ray of hope and sunshine in this not so wonderful world. Maybe one day you will have the brother or sister you always wanted here on earth to watch over, guide and protect.

I love you with every inch of my aching heart, and I will miss you forever and ever.

I'll see you in heaven someday.

I love you forever,

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